Will Buckingham7 Ways of Reading Philosophy: #3 Reading self-interestedlyWhy be a dutiful reader, when you can read self-interestedly?May 19, 2021May 19, 2021
InLooking for WisdombyWill Buckingham7 Ways of Reading Philosophy: #2 Reading haphazardlyReading systematically is no way to read philosophyMar 26, 20211Mar 26, 20211
InLooking for WisdombyWill Buckingham7 Ways of Reading Philosophy: #1 Reading Like NapoleonThere’s a lot to be said for reading at a gallop.Mar 19, 20211Mar 19, 20211
InLooking for WisdombyWill Buckingham7 Ways of Reading Philosophy: An IntroductionThere are many ways you can read a philosophy book.Mar 12, 20217Mar 12, 20217